Go Moda Limited

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Go Moda Limited

公 司 简 介 高慕达鞋业有限公司是一家港资规模型、专注于女鞋开发的贸易公司。本公司致力于设计的产品领导潮流,满足顾客的各类需求。前卫的设计理念和精湛的设计能力,为公司的蓬勃发展注入了持续的、新鲜的活力。 本公司具有一流的现代办公环境、花园式的工作和生活环境。现有开发部、业务部、船务部、技术部、品控部、财务部、人事行政部、电脑部。公司提供在同行业中具有竞争力的薪酬和福利。拥有3栋宿舍楼,经理、主管级配有单人空调套房;职员级是双人一大套间,配有空调;并配有康乐设施及球场。 本公司人性化的管理风格是您理想的工作选择。 COMPANY PROFILE Go Moda limited is a H.K shoe trading company which locates in Zhang Mu Tou town, Dong Guan City of the Guang Dong Province. We make efforts in satisfying the different needs and requests for individual customer in footwear business. As one of the leading footwear company, our outstanding design capability and concepts bring more good ideas to make exquisite footwear for people who have excellent taste. Our offices are equipped with modern facilities and surrounded by private landscape which make a comfortable and nice work and living environment for our employees. Right now, we have eight department, they are R&D dept., Merchandise dept., Shipping dept.,Technical dept., QC dept., HR dept., Financial dept. and Computer department. Company pays the employees on time and insurance. Benefits also include three meals a day, dormitory with air-conditioning, basketball, ping-pong and yearly company tour. Complying with our speedy business growth, we here need numbers of talented people to join us. If you think you’re qualified with the positions we offer, don’t be dubious, contact with us immediately as we believe our company will be the best place you bring out your talents. JOIN US NOW!!